Useful Commands

Abort -

Cancels a pending transaction.

Accents -

Lists the accents currently known to you.

Accept -

Accepts a pending transaction.

Accuse -

Allows you to accuse someone of a crime

Aim -

Allows you to aim your ranged weapon at a target. Used in conjunction with ready and fire commands

Alias -

Add, remove, clear, or select aliases for yourself.

Ally -

Used to mark someone as an ally.

Attach -

Used to attach something to your belt.

Attacks -

Lists the attacks that your character is able to make.

Attributes -

Lists your attributes and their levels.

Bind -

Allows you to bind the wounds of a bleeding individual.

Body -

Lists all of your current body parts.

Breakout -

Attempts to break free from a grapple.

Bundle -

Bundles two or more items together.

Burden -

Allows you to manually make combat checks harder on yourself, to go easy on someone, or appear weaker than you are

Butcher -

Used to butcher corpses, you will need the butchering skill.

Buy -

Used in shops to buy goods from the shop. Used in conjunction with the list command.

Calendar -

Gives information on the current calendar settings.

Chair -

Used to add or remove chairs from tables. Used in conjunction with the sit command.

Charge -

Used to charge a target when in combat

Clan -

Used to both interact with, create, or edit clans.

Clans -

Lists all clans you currently belong to.

Clean -

Used to clean items that are dirty.

Cleanwounds -

Cleans any wounds and tells you when you might need antiseptic.

Climb -

Allows a character to climb where available.

Clinch -

Allows you to clinch an opponent when in combat.

Close -

Allows you to close an item such as a bag, pouch, satchel, chest, door, etc.

Combat Set -

Allows you to view current combat preferences and settings.

Command -

Allows you to issue commands to NPCs that you are authorised to issue commands to. Can be used even when you can't see your target or are unconcious.

Commands -

Lists all commands currently available in FutureMud.

Consider -

Used to get key information about another character that might not be readily apparent.

Count -

Counts any currency your character is carrying.

Coupdegrace -

Allows you to execute a powerful finishing move, designed generally to kill, mortally wound or maim a helpless opponent. It can be used both inside and outside of combat. When used out of combat it sets in motion a delayed action that, if not interrupted, will deliver the blow of mercy to the target. When used in combat, it signals to override combat settings which prevent a killing blow being given.

Cover -

Allows you to find cover where available.


Allows you to perform CPR on another character.

Craft -

Allows you to start, resume, view, or preview a craft.

Crafts -

Allows you to view all crafts available to you. You can use either `crafts` to see all crafts available, or `crafts baking` to see a specific category such as baking.

Craft Categories -

Used to see a list of all craft categories that you know.

Crimes -

Lists all crimes that your character has committed to your knowledge.

Decline -

Allows you to decline a pending transaction.

Detach -

Allows you to remove an item from your belt.

Dislodge -

Dislodges an item lodged in a character, such as an arrow.

Dive -

Allows you to travel downward while swimming.

Dmote -

Allows you to append a temporary text to the end of your character's description.

Drag -

Allows you to drag or help drag someone or something.

Draw -

Allows you to draw a weapon.

Drawpicture -

Allows you to create a drawing on a writing object such as paper. The drawing will be in the form of a text description.

Dress -

Allows you to dress someone else, or give temporary consent for somone else to dress you.

Drink -

Allows you to drink from a container or another source.

Drop -

Allows you to drop something you are holding.

Dub -

Allows you to dub someone or something with an alternate name.

Dubname -

Allows you to manually set an introduced name for a character. You must first give them a dub.

Dubs -

Lists all of your current dubs.

Eat -

Allows you to eat something that is edible.

Emote -

Allows you to describe an action that you are undertaking, and is one of the core roleplaying commands which you will have to master. The emote command (as well as any other attached emote in other commands throughout the game) uses the special markup text described in this helpfile.

The syntax for using the emote command is emote message. Note that if you do not use the @ token at some point in your emote, it will be prepended to the beginning of your emote automatically. For example, emote ducks down is equivalent to emote @ ducks down.

You can use the following tokens in your emotes:

~keyword - targets a person and displays their short description or "you" to them
~keyword's - targets a person and displays their short description + 's or "your" to them
~#keyword - targets a person and displays "he/she/it/they" or "you"
~!keyword - targets a person and displays "him/her/it/they" or "you"
~!keyword's - targets a person and displays "his/her/its/their" or "your"
The token @ is equivalent to using ~ and targetting yourself, however it cannot be modified with ! or #.

You can replace the ~ in the above emotes with a * in order to target items instead of people.

You can also include brief fragments of speech in your emotes (including bracketed emotes following other commands) if you would like. Simply include the speech in double quotes, e.g. emote smacks his hand with *hammer and says "Ouch!". Note that any speech you include in an emote will be in whichever language and accent you are presently using (see help speak), and that not everyone may understand what you say.

Note that you can use multiple keywords in the target by linking them with periods (.), e.g.

Also note that you can target the nth matching target by doing n.keywords, e.g. *2.silver.sword

Empty -

Allows you to empty out the contents of a container, or pour liquid out of a container

Engage -

Allows you to switch targets while in combat.

Evaluate -

Allows you to get some information about an item.

Extinguish -

Allows you to try and put out a fire in a room.

Feed -

Allows you to feed something to another character.

Feel -

Allows you to convey your character's feelings for any watching admins or empaths It will add your name/sdesc at the beginning, followed by feel/s and then your message.

Fill -

Allows you to fill a container from a source.

Fire -

Allows you to fire an already unaimed weapon.

Flee -

Allows you to attempt to flee from combat. Adding a direction makes escape harder.

Flip -

Allows you to turn the page of a book you are holding.

Follow -

Allows you to follow a target individual. If that individual walks in a direction you will as well.

Get -

Allows you to pick up an item from the ground/room or from a specific container.

Give -

Allows you to give an item to someone.

Grapple -

Allows you to switch to a grappling strategy while already engaged in combat.

Guard -

Allows you to guard someone or something and attempt to interpose on any attacks directed at them.

Hang -

Allows you to hang something.

Haul -

Allows you to move something on the ground in your location to a container also in your location. This is typically when something is too heavy for you to lift. You must still be able to drag the item to do this, and any helpers will count towards hauling the item.

Health -

Displays health information for the current character

Help -

Allows you to view the help system which contains a variety of topics that might be useful for your adventure through Arda.

Helpless -

Allows you to toggle your character into a helpless state that will passively accept whatever is done to them.

Hemote -

Allows you to produce a hidden emote that others have a chance to see. Targeting another character increases their chances to see the hemote.

Hide -

Allows you to have your character to look for somewhere to hide. Chances of success are affected by terrain.

Hit -

Allows you to enter non-lethal combat with a target.

Install -

Allows you to install something somewhere. Such as a door into an open doorway.

Interpose -

Allows you to physically place yourself between a target and their ranged attackers so that you are more likely to get hit than they.

Introduce -

Allows you to introduce yourself or another by your current name or the name you know them by.

Introduce Help -

Allows you to let others know your name and creates a dub for you with the people you introduce yourself to.

Inventory -

Lists everything your character is currently wearing, holding, and wielding

Junk -

Allows you to trial the results of using a particular keyword to target something

Kneel -

Allows you to move your character to a kneeling position.

Knock -

Allows you to knock on a door.

Knowledges -

Lists all of the knowledges that your character currently has.

Languages -

Lists all of the languages that your character currently knows and their proficiency levels.

Lean -

Allows you to move your character into a leaning position.

Learn -

Lists your character's current learning sttus including learning fatigue, cooldown for skill-ups, accumulated skill branch modifiers, knowledges you are in the process of learning, and your familiarity with accents.

Light -

Allows you to toggle sources of light on and off.

List -

Lists all of the stock currently available in a shop.

Longscan -

Allows you to 'scan' the horizon in a very thorough manner, making spotting individuals or objects in adjacent rooms more likely. This command is a very thorough form of scanning, so it takes considerably longer than 'quickscan' or 'scan'.

Load -

Allows you to load a ranged weapon.

Lob -

Allows you to lob an item into another room or layer.

Lock -

Allows you to lock a door or another object where possible.

Look -

Allows you to look at the surroundings of your character or specific items. The command could be used in a few different ways:
To view your general surrounds: look
To look at something in particular: look thing
To look inside something: look in thing
To look at something someone else has: look person thing

Loudsay -

Allows you to say something loudly.

Loudtell -

Allows you to tell someone something loudly.

Lounge -

Allows you to move your character into a lounging position.

Materials -

Allows you to look at the different materials that are to be used in order to execute a craft.

Names -

Allows you to look at any names or aliases you might have.

Notify -

Allows you to send an OOC notification that you are online.

Omote -

Allows you to append a message to an item in a room.


Allows you to send an out of character message to the current room. Use this sparingly.

Open -

Allows you to open a door or other openable object.

Outfit -

Allows you to set up outfits for a character. They can edit, delete, teach, wear, and remove these outfits. A full list of available commands and the proper syntaxes is available through the 'outfit' command with no argument.

Party -

Allows you to look at the members of your party. Used in conjuction with the follow command.

Payday -

Allows you to receive a payday from your clan/organization.

Petition -

Allows you to send a message to staff, it will be stored if nobody is online to read at the time.

Plans -

Allows you to write a short term or long erm plan that only admins can see.

Pmote -

Allows you to append text to your short description that will appear in the room view to give more information on what your character is currently doing. Pmotes clear upon changing position or by moving.

Point -

Allows you to point out targets that you have sighted to everyone in the same location as you.

Pour -

Allows you to pour liquid from one vessel into another.

Preferaccent -

Allows you to set a preferred accent for a particular language.

Preview -

Allows you to preview an item in a shop.

Project -

Allows you to view different commands for projects.

Projects -

Lists all personal and local projects in progress as well as projects you are currently working on.

Prone -

Allows you to drop your character into a prone position.

Prostrate -

Allows you to move your character into a prostrate position.

Put -

Allows you to put one thing into something else.

Quickscan -

Allows you to scan the area around your character but doesn't echo to the other characters. It is possible to miss small items or other things based on vision penalties.

Quirks -

Lists all quirks your character currently has.

Quit -

Allows you to safely log out of the game.

Read -

Allows you to read written works.

Ready -

Allows you to ready your ranged weapon, used in conjunction with aim and fire.

Release -

Allows you to release somebody from a grapple.

Relocate -

Allows you to relocate one of your own or someone else's bones or joints.

Remove -

Allows you to remove an item of clothing.

Repair -

Allows you to repair damage to items with the use of an appropriate repair kit. Sometimes you must have a certain skill set and even further at a certain level to repair larger damage.

Report -

Allows you to report a witnessed crime.

Rescue -

Allows you to draw attention away from someone else in combat.

Rest -

Allows you to drop your character into a lying position in order to rest.

Restrain -

Allows you to restrain a target with an item.

Reveal -

Allows you to reveal yourself when hidden.

Role -

Allows you to see the roles you took in character generation.

Roles -

Same as Role. Allows you to see the roles you took in character generation.

Roll -

Allows you to roll dice or a bundle of dice.

Save -

Allows you to save your character in its current state.

Say -

Allows you to say something to those in your curent room.

Sayto -

Allows you to talk directly to someone in your room.

Scan -

Allows you to see into adjacent rooms. You might not see small items and wont see as well in the dark or if you have impaired vision for any reason.

Score -

Allows you to gain information on your character.

Script -

Allows you to set which script and language you use when you write.

Scripts -

Lists the scripts that you know.

Search -

Allows you to begin searching your current location.

Set -

Lists your current settings and allows you to change them.

Sharpen -

Allows you to sharpen a blade.

Sheathe -

Lists your current settings and allows you to change them.

Shop -

Allows a shop owner to perform maintenance and change settings of their shop.

Shout -

Allows you to shout something very loudly.

Shoutat -

Allows you to shout something very loudly at someone.

Show -

Lists the different options for the show command.

Sing -

Allows you to communicate by singing.

Singto -

Allows you to communicate to someone by singing.

Sit -

Allows you to move to a sitting position either on the ground or at a seat.

Skillaudit -

Allows you to see the level at which you are able to further develop a skill level in a specific skill.

Skillcategories -

Lists your current skills based on the different categories they are in.

Skilllevels -

Lists your skills and their current levels.

Skills -

Lists all of your current skills.

Skin -

Used to remove the skin of an animal. Requires butchering in order to use this command.

Sleep -

Allows you to put your character to sleep.

Slump -

Allows you to move your character to a slumping position.

Smash -

Allows you to try to attack an object in attempt to break it.

Smoke -

Allows you to smoke something such as a pipe.

Sneak -

Allows you to toggle into a mode where your character will attempt to sneak to avoid detection when moving.

Social -

Allows you to view a particular social in more detail.

Socials -

Allows you to view all socials that you know.

Spar -

Allows you to engage in non-lethal combat with somebody for non-lethal purposes.

Speak -

Allows you to see which language and accent you are currently speaking in. You can also use this command to switch to another language.

Speed -

Lists all speeds available to your character for each position.

Spill -

Allows you to spill something out of a container.

Sprawl -

Allows you to drop your character into a sprawling position.

Squat -

Allows you to drop your character into a squatting position.

Stagger -

Allows you to try for a staggering blow while in combat.

Show -

Allows you to move your character back to a standing position.

Statistics -

Lists the current statistics for Arda Marred.

Stop -

Allows you to stop all actions your character is currently doing.

Strangle -

Allows you to try to strangle someone while in combat.

Strip -

Allows you to remove items from yourself or others quickly.

Struggle -

Allows you to attempt to break free from a grapple or when being dragged.

Style -

Allows you to change your characteristics such as hairstyle.

Support -

Allows you to join another character in combat by aiding them and targeting their current target.

Surrender -

Allows you to surrender to someone while in combat.

Survey -

Allows you to perform a survey of the current room to gain detailed information about your surroundings.

Suture -

Allows you to suture a wound to reduce chance of reopening. Must have the medicine skill in order for this command to work.

Swallow -

Allows you to swallow a pill or something similar.

Swap -

Allows you to swap an item you are holding into your other hand.

Swim -

Allows you to begin swimming.

Tables -

Lists all tables in a room.

Take -

Allows you to take something from a container.

Talk -

Allows you to talk quietly while at a table, bench, bed, etc.

Talkto -

Allows you to target someone to talk to quietly while at a table, bench, bed, etc.

Target -

Allows you to target a more specific body part that your combat target possesses.

Targets -

Lists the targets you currently have eyes on.

Tear -

Allows you to tear things off or out of items that can be torn.

Tell -

Allows you to talk directly to someone.

Test -

Allows you to test your skill/attribute against a difficulty or another person.

Think -

Allows you to convey your character's thoughts for any watching admins or telepaths. It will add your name/sdesc at the beginning, followed by `think/s` and then your message in quotes. Other information can be added using brackets, other characters can be targeted as usual with ~, and objects with *.

Time -

Allows you to see what your character currently knows about the time and date.

Title -

Allows you to title a book or other writing object.

Trip -

Allows you to trip someone while in combat.

Turn -

Allows you to turn things that can be turned. The turnable might be a book, a knob or dial, or some other thing. The specific page or setting to which the thing is being turned is called the 'extent'.

Unally -

Allows you to remove the ally status of someone who was already an ally.

Uncovered -

Allows you to view the bodyparts that are uncovered for a particular target, including yourself.

Undo -

Allows you to undo the bindings that have been placed on someone.

Undub -

Allows you to remove a dub.

Uninstall -

Allows you to uninstall locks from doors or doors from doorways.

Unload -

Allows you to unload a ranged weapon.

Unlock -

Allows you to unlock a door or other item that is locked.

Unready -

Allows you to unready a readied weapon, such as a crossbow that has been readied.

Unwield -

Allows you to stop wielding a weapon.

Vicinity -

Lists all objects, NPCs and other characters in your vicinity.

Vitals -

This command checks the vitals of either your own character or another, giving information on pulse and breathing.

Wake -

Allows you to wake your character from sleep.

Ward -

Allows you to toggle between a warding stance and a normal melee style whenever in combat.

Watch -

Allows you to watch a direction, alerting you of any activity in an adjacent room or layer.

Wear -

Allows you to wear armor, clothing, and accessories. Certain items have multiple wear locations, allowing the player to choose where it is worn.

Weather -

Allows you to see information on the current weather, including temperature and how your character is feeling relative to that.

Whisper -

Allows you to pass on information quietly that may be overheard by others present in the room.

Whisperto -

Allows you to pass on information quietly to someone in the room. others present in the room might be able to overhear.

Wield -

Allows you to wield a weapon you are currently holding.

Wounds -

Lists your current wounds.

Write -

Allows you to write, either on a message board or book/similar item.

Yell -

Allows you to yell a character's speech instead of seemingly talking at a normal volume level.

Yellat -

Allows you to yell specifically at a target individual.