Possible Roles

As an apprentice you will enter the game with a profession of your choosing. New to the profession you will not receive any bonuses to your chosen skillset. The purpose of choosing a 0 RPP role is to help build your character's backstory, motivations, and overall role play. You do not have to choose a role during character generation and are more than welcome to find your way through Arda Marred upon commencement.

Apprenticeship would secure the continuity of practice and tradition. Apprenticeships are highly valued and families might often have to pay high sums of money to be enrolled. Apprentices are often awarded food, shelter, education and clothing with little to no pay. Apprenticeships will last for at minimum one in-game year, but could last longer.

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. That does not prevent you from commencing and finding work in whichever role you choose.

  • Armourer
  • Baker
  • Brewer
  • Butcher
  • Cook
  • Farmer

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. That does not prevent you from commencing and finding work in whichever role you choose.

  • Hunting
  • Jeweler
  • Leather Worker
  • Medic
  • Metal Worker
  • Stone Worker

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. That does not prevent you from commencing and finding work in whichever role you choose.

  • Clothier
  • Weapon Maker
  • Carpenter

As a recruit in the Gondorian Army you are expected to train and perform duties to keep the barracks in a neat an orderly state. Recruits can go out on patrols but they are not allowed to leave the gates of Osgiliath on their own or lead the patrols themselves. Recruits are still learning the lay of the land where the most dangerous areas of the wildlands are. Most of the recruits time should be spent training, patrolling streets of Osgiliath, or standing guard on the eastern watch posts. A recruit will start with no bonuses upon commencement.

As a journeyman you will enter the game with some knowledge of your skill. Journeyman still work under close watch of their master. Typically, a journeyman would work for at least a year under their master before being considered to move to the rank of Artisan. One major distinction between journeyman and apprentice is that a journeyman is able to earn pay for their work under a master. Upon commencement into the game, a journeyman will begin with the following:

  • +10 to their primary craft
  • +5 to a secondary craft

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Armourer
  • Baker
  • Brewer
  • Butcher
  • Cook
  • Farmer

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Hunting
  • Jeweler
  • Leather Worker
  • Medic
  • Metal Worker
  • Stone Worker

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Clothier
  • Weapon Maker
  • Carpenter

As a private in the Gondorian Army you are expected to continue training and help recruits maintain an orderly barracks. Privates can go out on patrols but only are allowed to lead patrols in to Anorien. Privates can venture into Anorien on their own if they wish, but are encouraged to take other Gondorian Army members with them. Gondorian Army Privates are not allowed to lead patrols or set foot in Ithilien on their own. A private should take any opportunity available to train with recruits. A private will commence with the following additional stats:

  • +10 to chosen weapon skill
  • +5 to chosen defense skill

As an artisan you will enter the game with vast knowledge of your skill. Artisan still work under a master but generally get to pick their own projects and negotiate with customers. There is no real time frame for how long one must remain an artisan before becoming a master of their craft. Completing their masterpiece is the first step in becoming a master, then an a review by the current master before confirmation of status. Upon commencement, those that choose an artisan role will receive the following boosts:

  • +15 to their primary craft
  • +8 to a secondary craft
  • +4 to a tertiary craft

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Armourer
  • Baker
  • Brewer
  • Butcher
  • Cook
  • Farmer

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Hunting
  • Jeweler
  • Leather Worker
  • Medic
  • Metal Worker
  • Stone Worker

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Clothier
  • Weapon Maker
  • Carpenter

The sergeant-at-arms works closely with lieutenants in order to keep law an order a main focus of the army. A sergeant-at-arms can lead patrols into either Ithilien or Anorien. Often, a sergeant-at-arms will find themselves allowing privates to lead patrols into Anorien so they get familiar with the ins-and-outs of leading a patrol. When on patrol with civilians, a sergeant-at-arms is expected to serve as a bodyguard for those who are less trained in combat.

  • +15 to chosen weapon skill
  • +8 to chosen defense skill

A master will be in charge of running their own shop which includes hosting apprentices, journeyman, and artisans. Masters are expected to uphold the values of the guild at all times and to ensure that those who work for them do the same. A master might spend time working their craft but often they find themselves working the political circles and running their shops. Upon commencement, the role of the master will include the following bonuses:

  • +20 to primary craft
  • +12 to secondary craft
  • +6 to tertiary craft

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Armourer
  • Baker
  • Brewer
  • Butcher
  • Cook
  • Farmer

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Hunting
  • Jeweler
  • Leather Worker
  • Medic
  • Metal Worker
  • Stone Worker

Current Openings

If a role is not listed, that is because someone is currently filling that role. If you commence without a role you must start as an apprentice in game.

  • Clothier
  • Weapon Maker
  • Carpenter

Lieutenants in Osgiliath are often tasked with planning and leading assaults on enemy forces in Ithilien. Oversight of the day-to-day operations in the barracks is often left to the sergeant-at-arms. Lieutenants are highly skilled combatants and have seen numerous battles in throughout their life. A lieutenant works closely with the Gondorian Army Captain to ensure that the goals set forth. A lieutenant would be educated in at least one written script and if necessary would be trained to write by the Gondorian Army.

  • +20 to chosen weapon skill
  • +12 to chosen defense skill
  • +8 to secondary weapon
  • +4 to secondary defense