Men and women of Gondor lived in the lands of Gondor before the realm of Gondor was founded. Middle Men swore allegience to the Dúnedain of Gondor upon the founding of the kingdom, placing them under the rule of the king of Gondor. The humans who once roamed Middle-Earth would intermarry and eventually become one with the Dúnedain of Gondor. The men and women who are of true gondorian descent are typically tall with pale skin and dark hair.
This is the starting race for those who choose to enter Arda Marred. There are no benefits or drawbacks to choosing a Gondorian Human. The race is diverse and can fill any role. Ultimately, this race is more versatile in how their personalities are developed, what skills they choose, and how they react to different situations.
Men of the North also known as Northmen dwell east of the Greenwood and other parts of Rhovanion. These men were friendly with the Dúnedain and are only second to the Dúnedain in terms of noble characteristics. At the height of Gondor's power, the Northmen flourished under the protection of the larger kingdom. With the marriage between Valancar of Gondor and the daughter of the King of Rohan Vidumavi, the allegiance between the two kingdoms solidified for but a brief time. During this era in Middle Earth, Northmen might be referred to as the Éothéod.
Northmen from Rhovannion are adaptable to their training, upon creation you can select 1 additional stat to any of the following:
Northern humans appear different physically from Gondorian Humans. Some key characteristics of Northmen include:
Northmen do not have any additional languages they start with, but these languages and scripts will be available upon chargen:
Dunlendings by Angelo Montaini
Dunlendings are tribal Hill-men that settled the mountains between areas that are west and south of the Misty Mountains as far down as the White Mountains. Dunlendings came to fear and hate men who came out of the West. That same fear and hate drove the Dunelendings to settle the grassy plains of Dunland which was west of Moria between the Misty Mountains and Isengard. Those who did not venture north to become Men of Bree settled to become Dunlendings. Arda Marred is set just before the time when Eorl drove the Dunlendings out of thier homeland.
Dunlendings are tough and hardy people, you will have 2 points to spend on boosting stats (1 per stat):
Dunlendings are used to living in harsh conditions which have led to the following traits:
Due to living in a hilly and forested area, agriculture is the least useful method of food production. Instead, Dunlendings might choose:
Dunlendings by Angelo Montaini
Gondorian Dúnedain are either fully or partially of Númenorean blood. During the third age, the Gondorian Dúnedain blood began to become mingled with other men, especially those who lived in Rhovanion. Gondorian Dúnedain typically live two or three times as long as those without Númenorean blood in them. However, the more Middle Men and Númenoreans mingled together that additional lifespan began to dwindle. Through generations Gondorian Dúnedain continued to hold respect for the fallen land of Númenor as they would perform the ritual known as Standing Silence before each meal. Men and women of Númenor would look towards the west and stand in silence before consuming their meal.
Gondorian Dúnedain preserved much of their knowledge from Númenorean proving them to be wise in the ways of Stonecraft and Medicine:
The Dúnedain of Gondor are said to be some of the most proud and noble people of Middle Earth. A list of some of their attributes may include:
Gondorian Dúnedain will enter the game knowing the following languages and scripts:
"Aranarth" by Elenea Kukanova
Dúnedain of Arnor can also be known as Dúnedain of the North and made up the ruling class and nobility of the land known as Arnor. Men of Arnor defines those who lived in Arnor whether they had blood of Númenor or not. Unlike the Gondorian Dúnedain, the Arnorian Dúnedain would not dilute their bloodlines by marrying with the men of the north. After the War of the Last Alliance and the Disaster of the Gladden Fields, few Arnorien Dúnedain remained and they could not hold their kingdom. After a war with Angmar, the Dúnedain of the North would weaken further and leave a few Rangers who would hide their heritage as they wandered aimlessly through the lands.
Arnorien Dúnedain were known as great warriors, upon character generation Arnorien Dúnedain will receive the following stat boosts:
Dúnedain of Arnor held themselves in high regard with the following traits:
Arnorien Dúnedain will enter the game knowing the following languages and scripts:
Hobbits are a race that stand somewhere between two and four feet tall and typically live underground. Hobbits live longer than humans of non-Númenórean descent. Hobbits are of gentle disposition and are neither cruel nor vindictive. In fact, weapons would often only be known as trophies or useless trinkets. Hobbits are universally monogamous and the head of the family is always the eldest male with a wife who had an equal but separate status. Hobbits typically live in the land between the River baranduin and the Weather Hills, or The Shire located across the Brandywine River.
Hobbits adapt well to any situation put before them, you will have 4 points to spend on boosting stats (Max 2 per stat):
Hobbits are by nature short and :
Hobbits skills, knowledge and temperament are based around which clan they are from. Some of the common clans include:
Dwarves are strong and hearty, they will receive the following bonuses to their stats upon character creation:
Dwarves are some of the greatest miners that ever existed. To accompany that, some of their favored crafts are:
Dwarves will enter the game knowing the following languages and scripts:
"Elven Cloak" by Rob Alexander
Silvan Elves are lithe and agile, upon character generation a Silva Elf will receive the following stat bonuses:
Elven-King Thranduil built a large underground fortress to protect elves located in Northeast Mirkwood. Some might consider the culture of Silvan Elves to be rude and rustic.
Silvan Elves of Lórien made up the largest part of the Galadhrim. After Eregion's destruction, many of its inhabitants sought the safety of Lórien and mingled with the Noldor and Sindar Elves that currently inhabited the area.
Illus. Magali Villeneuve
Sindar Elves are skilled craftsmen, upon character generation a Sinda Elf will receive the following stat bonuses:
Sindar Elves can trace their origins back to Beleriand where elves used to reside in what is now known as the Westlands in the Third Age. After a Great War portions of the country were sunk beneath the water of the sea.
Elves that remained near the western shores of Beleriand were persuaded by Ossë to remain and forsake Valinor are known as the Falathrim. Upon return of the Noldor Elves, the two lines of elves became friends united against their foes.
Credited to Krabat /
Noldor Elves are skilled in all facets of life, upon character generation a Noldo Elf will receive the following stat bonuses:
Lindon is located west of the blue mountains and hosts harbors and ports where ships would set off and sail for Aman. Lindon would support Arnor in its war against Angmar but by the third age, few Noldor Elves remained and men did not settle in Lindon.
Many Noldor Elves who surivived in Middle Earth to the third age would live in Rivendell which was established by Elrond after the fall of Eregion. Rivendell had a strong alliance with Kings of Arnor and became a refuge for the Rangers of the North.